September 24th Meeting Minutes


Lucien Dupont - President P
Lisa Wilken Principal (NV) P
Eric Wall - Vice President P
Joey Elwell - Secretary P
Missy Lathram - Treasurer    P    
Annette Feldman - Director P    
Seth Camhi - Director
Krisha Benevides - Director P            
Bridgette Padilla (NV)    P    
Jennifer Crumrine - PTA President P

Attendees not on chart:

Guest: Dailean



Treasurer’s report was missing a seconded.

Missy made a motion to approve the August minutes with correction.

Krisha seconded

Unanimous approval.

Treasurer’s report: Missy presenting


11K raised so far.

Not as good as last year. About 1k outstanding.

How do we compare to last year at this time? 16K

44,200$ total raised last year. About 41k after expenses

Joey needs to get his donation in

October 1st, if we raise X amount of dollars we will silly string the principal

            Perhaps an opportunity drawing where a few kids get to do it.

August 2018 Checks:

6201 Kelly Pearl 76.40$ go daddy reimbursement

6202 Lucien charges for auction

6203 Lucien, parking signs for winners

6204 Missy – for SOAR flyers

70.66$ in paypal fees

3$ bank charge


Missy motioned to approve checks and bank fee

Joey Seconds

Unanimous approval


PTA Update: Jennifer presenting

-      PTA is running smoothly

-      Jennifer has been taking care of Lucien, so not as available as planned

-      Krisha has the Walk to School day covered

-      Halloween carnival after that

-      Then Red Ribbon week

-      Did Julie get the numbers for memberships?

o  Would be good to get those numbers to see if anyone gets 100%


Principal’s Report: Lisa presenting

-      Innovation/Steam lab

o  Going to take a few steps back to create vision of the space (for the district)

o  Talked to superintendent of technology to help lead us on solidifying the vision.

o  Might be delayed a bit.

o  Meeting coming up.

o  There is a chance the district would chip in. But too soon to say.

o  The school could take some of the space and stuff that is in there and redistribute to other schools.

§ Would need a fiduciary agreement to make it a gift so that they don’t take it.

-      Principal needs to ask for money for Bench

o  Benchmark curriculum is a sacred time in the morning

o  Historically impact has been in the morning

o  So right now impact comes in during Benchmark which is an important lesson. 

§ In the upper grades they can not be removed from language time without harm to the kid’s learning schedule.

o  Requires 1 hour more for one impact position (44$/hour)

§ 1,320$ / year more

-      200$ / teacher grants are due this Friday (non – school day)

-      Juliana asked to be on the board. (Paul’s wife)

-      Suzy Hartley is the new teacher rep.

o  Lisa forgot to invite


Fall Pajama Jam : Lucien to organize

-      Lucien hasn’t done anything.

-      Lucien to reach out to Annette

-      November 30th.

-      Put in Connect Ed – save the date

-      Cutting back on food, not feeding adults this time


Lucien Adjourned at 6:31 pm


Other business

-      Joey to fill out board grant and forward any info to Eric & Lucien

-      QA with Dailean